Ähnliche Beiträge
Dan Shaw und Dave Munnings sprechen darüber, wie ihr Rudel glücklich, aufgeweckt und mobil bleibt!
Dan Shaw und Dave Munnings sind im Bereich Agility ganz vorne mit dabei. Für viele gehören die beiden zu den besten Agility-Trainern und Hundeführern im Vereinigten Königreich. Sie haben zusammen...
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Die Jetsetterin Qju ist ganz oben – mit Antinol!
Die europäische Agility-Siegerin Qju lebte den Jetset-Traum. Erfahren Sie, wie sie mit Antinol®️ noch mobiler wird.
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Antinol helped Phoebe do things she hasn't done in years
9-year-old Labrador Phoebe injured her leg jumping into the pool and limped when she got out. With Antinol, Phoebe is happier, healthier and walking like she was 4 years old.
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I just wanted her to be happy. Now she is full of life
Honey is happy, I am happy, Antinol® is brilliant! What more could I ask for?
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How do you keep the "Global Ambassador of Joy" happy and moving?
Grace was only two years old when Lindsay noticed signs of mobility issues. Now she is back at 100% and able to run around and play with her family again.
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Antinol helped Emma go from "blah" days to really good days
As the dog got older, Emma's mobility slowed down drastically. Now Emma is leading the pack again!
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After a long recovery, Bonnie is back in her busy life in the spotlight
Aimee knew something was wrong when Bonnie was just 7 months old, but the vets all said she was fine. Next thing they knew Bonnie needed surgery...
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Antinol helped bring spring back to Bella's step
Steve couldn't believe his eyes as Bella struggled to jump in the car. Antinol has worked wonders for Bella's osteoarthritis and she is now able to take family walks.
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